
“Has anyone attended or experienced NeuroRestoratve programs? I went to visit the one on Carbondale, IL. Are their programs good/helpful?”

Tell us about it please :slight_smile:

I just went to visit with my mom and my rehab therapists. It specializes in brain rehab. The one in Carbondale has a program for teens and young adults. My mom wants to get more information on it. She wants to find someone who had been there. Has anyone gone there for rehab?

I liked it. I’ll live in a regular house in a subdivision that has room for 8 people. The house is huge and clean and had an indoor swimming that they changed into a PT room. Every day I get picked and taken to the main therapy building. There I have OT and ST and school stuff. They want me to stay 3 months. If I get good enough to take care of myself I can move into a small apt. And live on my own. They still pick me up and I eat at the main building I think.

Sounds like a wonderful place to heal. :slight_smile: