Two more days until embolization #4!

You would think by now, this would seem routine to us, we have done this 3 times already, and so far so good! However, For me, (mom) this never gets any easier! Still just doesnt seem fair that my daughter or any of you for that matter should have to go through this! Trying to reassure her brothers that all will be ok and that Erin will be fine is getting old. I always feel like Im making them a promise I dont know if I can keep. Not something Im used to doing. Im a promise keeper! I know that there isnt always a quick fix to things in life but just doesnt seem fair, and I know life isnt fair either! Just hate the waiting to hear she did well and getting even more impatient to hear obliterated! Keep trying to tell myself good things take time!
Thank you all for everything and mostly for just being hear so I have someone to vent to that gets it! I feel a little better now after venting THANKS!