Seizures and Keppra Anti-seizure medicine. Did anyone have a seizure caused by their brain AVM

Hi Brett! That sounds like a migraine, with the flashing lights. Usually you get a headache with migraines, but it’s possible to have a migraine aura without the headache. :slight_smile:

Yes i had a seizure follow by a strong headache and thats when they found out…I had an avm My doctors they give meds for seizures…They said that another seizure can cause the avm to bleed… Now im under meds for seizure Lamictal 300mg. Good luck my friend with your meds!!!

Everytime I have a CTscan, MRI or Angio the contrast/die causes light shows during and after. I have never experience aura with a headache previously.

Tempestas, You are correct. The doc explained it just like that and said it's not a seizure. He also said it's a classic common symptoms many of his patients have after an Angio. It's been a while now and I haven't experienced it since.

I just found a new sub-group here it anyone is interested…

I had a seizure which is how my AVM was discovered. I have had GKR and been on Keppra since and have still had break through seizures and activity. It will be 6 month mark first week of December.

Thanks Barbara!

I had a seizure when I was rushed to hospital because I couldn’t talk and I wasn’t feeling
Myself, soon after that I had 7 seizures in 8 hours,
The doctors placed me in a coma, that is when
My AVM was discovered.

Yes, that's how I found out I had an AVM. I am on Keppra and it didnt help the seizures until I was upped to 1500 twice daily.

Yes I had the seizure Followed by a strong headache....I went to the hospital they said that my avm had bleed and thats what cause the seizure....Now im under seizure meds for life....

I had one Grand Mal seizure in June 2011. They thought it was from the AVM...but I think no one was really sure about that. I never took any meds. I had my crani on the 6 october and I don´t take any meds. I never hada seizure again after June - not before the surgery and not afterwards also.

Up to 2000 mg of Keppra per day. Still having seizures at least weekly.

I have had 2 seizures that they believe were caused by my AVM (kinda hard to prove 100%). I take Keppra and have had no problems.

Seizure one year ago today, helped to diagnosed the avm on the back of my brain. On kepra since. Three embolization’s later, gamna knife and 3 cyber Knife radiation procedures in the last year. Latest MRI a couple of weeks ago looks good. Go back for more radiation in January. Wish me luck

Yes I wish the best for you. I think I have been astonished at how many people are suffering from these avm's and seizures. Take care

Leona I hope this message is finding you recovering well from your procedure. Take care and keep working hard on your recovery.

i do That was how I found out that I had an Avm. i had a grand mal seizure while i was sleeping. My husband whowas my boyfriend at the time called 911. Since then I have motor seizure and take Lamictal everyday waiting for neurosurgeon gives me a date for embo and craniotomy to remove avm.

They didn't know that i had an AVM until it ruptured. But after they did put me on Keppra for a year.

I had three seizures after AVM operation, then I was put on Lamictal which stopped the seizures.

yes, i had some sort of seizure back in may and thats how my AVM was discovered. im not on any medication or anything but touch wood i have only had the 1 seizure. had an angio a couple of weeks ago, now just waiting to see consultant in january then i will know what the next step is.