Muscle twitching after gamma knife

No medication recommendations. I don’t believe mine is related to the AVM, but not 100% certain. I’ve noticed no changes and I believe is explainable. Take care, John

Thank you John and Edn
I’ve been recommended oxcarbazepine for epilepsy, over the phone! But I’m not sure that’s what these muscle twitches are until I get checked out properly.

Gill, what do I know, but what about some stretching exercises for you?

Hi Boxbarge,
Thank you I will try it. The twitching getting worse and I still don’t know what it is!

Very good luck getting your twitching to STOP soon. Have you been back or call your doctor about that, yet?

Hi L,
Thanks for asking. My appointment is in 2 weeks so I’ll post the results. I’ve not taken the medication yet as I want to see someone face to face to confirm what it is first which was recommended, incase I need to take a more suitable medication. I still have twitches and Ive tried stretching the muscles and massaging them as its happening and its actually stopped the twitching!! It may be a coincidence but it’s really helped so far so thank you l.

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Just a quick update after seeing the neurologist. He doesn’t think the twitches are partial seizures, which is great, but probably just tension of the muscles. However I’m still convinced it’s the radiation working!

Thanks for the update Gill and good news. Take Care, John.

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Thanks John. Looking forward to hearing your good news in November.