I call them rogue arteries and vein

Well, Dee, welcome to avmsurvivors!

It sounds like you’ve been through plenty already (and it also sounds like you’re doing well, which is good).

I know a craniotomy sounds like a frightening deal but (if I can pitch my own worries in here) I’d have said that having a DAVF is worrying enough. I discovered mine before it bled and had to wait in the queue for at least six months for an embolisation and I worried myself to bits about the impact of a bleed. I couldn’t see how anyone would get through a DAVF bleed. However you have and I know @mike_az_21 has and so maybe we should have more confidence in the doctors.

I know you’re not a young person but here is a wonderful story from @HeatherC about her 15-year-old son who recently had a craniotomy after four embolisation procedures. My hope is that you get through as nicely as he has. Click on the blue text to read the full story.

Very best wishes,


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