Day 8- 3 days until our Wedding Anniversary

I sometimes hate that I know so much. I am not a RT or a RN or a PT, OT or even a CNA. But I am all of those and more to my husband. I know what drugs he takes at what times and what they are called (both brand name and generic), I know the ventilator settings and what time they are changed, I have been given control of the suction (not of his lungs, but of his mouth), I can move him fairly easily if needed and I know which muscles need a little more work out than others.
The doctors look to me when they are doing their rounds. They ask me about neuro status, secretions, sleep cycles, lab results...while the RN (who is wonderful, by the way) scrambles through her paperwork to find the correct answer.

But more than that,
I know that he likes to sleep in on Sundays, that he makes the best breakfast in the world, I know what music he likes, I know that TV is not his thing, I know that the smell of lavender makes him rest, I know that he needs a moment to wake up before he will respond(even before this), I know that he will not respond to people that don't give him some of their time, I know that he sometimes moves more muscles when he is sleeping than he does when he is awake, I know that he is more responsive before noon and after 3, I know that if I say his name he WILL wake up for me, I know he what he is capable of and most of all.... I KNOW that HE KNOWS.
He knows what has happened, what is happening and that I will be by his side doing what is going to happen.
I do, I know.

Danijo, I suspect you will be an excellent caregiver. The toughest job you will ever love, for sure.

I understand what you are conveying, Danijo. I continue to commend you on your role as your husband's wife. I will continue to read your postings. Hey, Danijo, I had a memory thanks to your blogs. One time my primary neurologist's assistant, Kim, said to me that the neurologist had noticed my husband's dedication and said that I must have been a great wife ... I cried when Kim told me that ... lol.

My husband can look at me and know the severity of my headache. He gets my medication before I tell him I need it. He tells me he loves me when I'm feeling down. God bless our caregivers for being our heroes.

Hi! You are doing a wonderful thing taking care of him. He will forever be grateful! I know cause that’s how I feel to my family! The doctors and nurses have multi patients to care for, so really you would rather have them shuffle through the chart then give incorrect info. You keep doing what you are doing. I can not imagine how hard it is as I was the patient, what you are doing is amazing!

True, the reason I am so committed to Scott and his recovery is because of what an amazing husband he is.

The list of personal preferences etc. you know is so sweet, Danijo. Thanks for writing!