10% of my AVM remains

I can relate to this fear at the moment, welcome to read my post here which gives more detail:

My AVM has also been reduced to 10% remaining. I really want it home once and for all but at the same time I don’t want to have any more damage/deficits. Also the idea of having my return to independant life delayed further if I have need invasive treatment that has a long recovery time is also crappy.

Hopefully we will get positive news for a low risk low invasive and low recovery time treatment to get rid of the remaining AVM. Who knows maybe you AVM could be super low risk and recommended to leave it be and be regulary monitored.

For now all we can do is follow the motto “don’t worry about what-if, worry when there is something that has happened to worry about”

We will get through this :muscle:

Best of wishes,
