Gamma Knife after effects

Hi everyone. This is my first time posting on this site. Glad I I had gamma knife radiation on my large Brain AVM in June of 2015. It is location on the front left and just over 4 cm. Soon after the radiation, I began experiencing left side tingling, numbness, pins and needles sensations on my limbs and face. Recently it has gotten much stronger and now it is associated with pain and it last all day. Sometime it wake me from my sleep. My last MRI showed no new strokes and no radiation damage. ( 2 weeks ago) Does anyone else experience this and if so, how do you cope?

I did a search for you… The search box is located in the top right hand side of this page. Try the word Vertigo there and see what pops up. Best wishes!

crazy sitting here reading your post i to have an an avm thats bled operated on in june with a gamma knife i have an upcoming angiogram to see and measure the avm I came to yesterday meaning that somehow my personality was lost but i was a looser before and now have the chance to be well. Good luck your in my prayers

Sorry to hear about the tingling and numbness. I too have the same issue. Opposite side of the brain avm. I also have a thumping in my ear above my arm. My surgeon has prescribed Gabapentin and it has helped.

I had Gamma Knife surgery in 1986, when it was a new procedure in Shefield, UK. The surgery didn’t shrink my AVM and caused right sided semi paralyzis. My RHS still has a sensation like pins and needles as well as being semi paralyzed. I used to have seizures which started with pins and needles in my RHS. I don’t know the meaning of this and why it’s connected with having an AVM… just my story!
I wish you the best.