DAVF embolization, what has everyone experienced during recovery?

I think the embo took it out of me more than I expected. It seems such a simple thing to have a bit of glue injected and a tiny hole in the groin but actually, it’s more impactful than we give it credit for.

This was my report a month post embolization:

I don’t talk about tiredness but I do know that I had my op in the April, this was how I was in May. Then in August, I drove to London to take my mum to the Proms and that really took it out of me. I really didn’t have the stamina that I had a year previous. I got through it but I pushed my way significantly through that trip to London. So, while I don’t say anything about tiredness in my log (see the linked text above) I do think it takes it out of you more than you expect.

The other thing I’ve definitely read is of others having extreme tiredness after either a craniotomy or an embolisation or gamma knife. There must be something in there that, if affected, brings on significant tiredness. I also think that you get through it. Not always and not often quickly but I do think you can get through it. I think the best advice is to go really steady with yourself. You’ve had an op that feels small but it isn’t. You need to be patient and careful and get better at the pace that works.

That’s what I think, anyway. I hope it is useful.

Go steady.

Very best wishes,


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