Well-Known People with AVM

You know it is somewhat comforting to know you are not the only one as Ben stated. This AVM thing does not seem to discriminate. But a point in all of this is that the survivors (at least in my book) are more “famous” than celebrities. Sure, the celebrities have the exposure (and the paparazzi that comes with it), but the members here have so much more! Through everyone’s unique circumstances they have a perspective on life that can’t even be touched by others. Remember, it’s not the challenges we face that defines us… its how we choose to respond to those challenges that says it all (and I’ve witnessed some amazing responses to the challenge). Just my .02 (to steal from a moderator here…). Thank you everyone for letting me be a part of this. You all are amazing. :J

Full jo, most decorated Olympian Ever !!!!!

Kate Middleton had one!!!

Wow Nicole, I looked it up and Flo Jo (Florence Griffith Joyner) died at 38 from a seizure associated from her cavernous angioma... wow.

Here's a link to the article:


33 years, 18 days since I had my bleed/craniotomy .... mine was in the dark-ages, and Beansy, damn, yours was in the Stone-Ages!!! ; )

ok, so I’m not over my AVM just yet. Though I do understand your point, & I’m happy for you that you are over it & doing well, but just because we were born in a time of better technology doesn’t mean that having an AVM & basically waking up to reality 6 weeks later with your entire life changed isn’t traumatic.

Hello, my reply was to the gentleman that posted something in the lines of "it was many years since HIS AVM, and my response was somewhat tongue-in-cheek... and don't ever forget dear, I have lived with the aftermath of what an AVM does, and all of the ugly things that go with it. I am 55 years old, i was a few months short of 23 when it bled. I had no warning, it was like, your physically normal, I was the picture of youthful health, an the BAM! I have suffered countless seizures thru the decades from the invasion of a scalpel. I am pretty much over the seizure thing as long as I rest my body okay, but let me tell you dear, I have been to the abyss, and got myself back. I have back problems, arthritis from the was I was forced to walk since this fun little episode., but ya know what?? Life doesn't give you a free ride, in all respects. I "woke" up 5 days after the initial bleed but don't remember 2 weeks, then, I had the surgery,,,,, the pint I am trying to make dear is: I was an athletic, healthy, active, male and it was ripped from me.... you will find ways to cope, to adjust. If people are so fucking shallow as to treat you differently than they did before, then they have limited abilitied themselves, or are damn selfish people. I have been there dear, and I wish you all the best, as I know what a struggle it can be, exponentially ...... Be good, take care of yourself.

You never "defeat" an AVM..... you overcome what it brings Ben.

That's weird, because the royal wedding was all over tv when I was post op in the stepdown unit.

Ok, thank you for clarifying. I’m sorry that I snapped at u like that.

yeah idk I saw an article on it. It kinda downplays her AVM, but I think the media just doesn’t really know what it is. http://www.contactmusic.com/news/kate-middletons-huge-scar-down-to-serious-operation_1253093

Hi - I’m sure we all have encountered change - sometimes good, sometimes bad. Either way, it is what it is. We can’t change it.

Sometimes it’s convenient to blame someone for what happens, but, in the end, we’re responsible for what comes out of our mouths and our thoughts.

The good thing is our ability to: change, have free-will, and change one’s thoughts, feelings,perspective…I know that I have…I’m a woman, though, and feel that it’s my appointed duty to change my mind.

Right on sister. When we blame the way we act because of the way we are feeling, we need to realize we often feel badly, or feel different, because of the way we act. Unserstood that we all have some sort of brain injury, there are many of us who know we cannot blame the AVM for everything that we do or think that does not go the way we expected. Sure, a lot of stuff is directly related to the AVM, I know that, but Jules-Babe said it -in the end we are responsible for our actions.


I know this is an old thread but, TJ Miller had an AVM. He stars in the HBO show Silicon Valley, and he is also a comedian who has had quite a few shows. He has also been in a few movies.

Brett Michaels-AVM 2010. It happened a week before mine ruptured and I was told I asked if he was still alive while in the hospital. Totally bizarre!!!

Thanks for sharing this information, Brooke. I remember hearing about Brett Michaels' injury and after reading your posting, I googled him and sure enough it was an AVM!