Waiting list for Sheffield Gamma Knife treatment centre?

Hi All,

I hope everyone out there is in positive spirits.

Just wondering if anyone is aware of the waiting period for Sheffield Gamma Knife treatment Centre…I heard that their waiting time is not too bad but I don’t know if you expect a call within days or have to wait a few weeks? I had my angio done on 10th Aug and was suggested now for GK treatment to be best in my situation. So my case is now been referred to Sheffield…I live in Ireland so have to travel to UK leaving 2 young kids back home so need to arrange for the childcare too…

I’d also appreciate if anyone can share their experience getting this treatment in Sheffield and their outcome.

Thanks a lot and good luck.


i had my treatment in 2006 so i don’t know how up to date this will be, but at that time, the government guidelines are that you cannot wait any longer than 6 months for treatment. the waiting list for sheffield at that time was pretty long and i had my first appointment there about 3 months after being diagnosed.

i had the hospital and doctors asking me to go to my mp to adress the need for another machine in scotland but was told there was no budget for it on the nhs.

eventually (still within the 6 month period), sheffield sent a letter saying back logs were too long and i was offered the treatment (paid by the nhs) at another hospital in london or in germany. I went to the Cromwell in London and the whole process was great.

now all clear with first treatment - don’t give up - will work out ok i’m sure

Thanks cc for sharing the info and congratulations on ‘all clear’

I was in touch with them and it seems NHS waiting is still long but if you go pvt you can get in much quicker.