Vimpat vs. Keppra

My neurologist wants to switch me from Keppra after 5 years to Vimpat because of anger issues; has anybody had any similar issues and how did you react to Vimpat?

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Hi Mike
Really interesting haven’t got any advice but in a similar situation I was on carbamazepine for approximately 12 years came off due to side-effects but since I’ve been taking Keppra really aggressive attitude so maybe we both get some answers

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I’ve been taking Keppra for 8 years now. Somehow, I don’t think it made me irritable or aggressive but my kids and sister noticed a difference. I’d say it was the whole avm bleed, learning to talk again and being treated different that was to blame?? Anyway, I started taking Zoloft after 2 years of Keppra and that seemed to take the edge off. I can communicate better and after several talks, we fell into rhythm. I’ll never stop my Keppra or change medicines. One person’s opinion but I hope it helps with something. Good luck…


I am thinking the same thing stay on the Keppra for life and find other ways to deal with the anger issues whether Zoloft or something similar…

Hi Guys, I’ve gone through them all: dilantin, tegretol, phenobarbital, kepra, now lamictyl. Vary degrees of control and side-effects. Kepra is by far the worst emotionally, made me aggressive and negative, relationship issues. The idea of taking another drug to counter the effects of Kepra is questionable. If there is another alternative, I’d say get off Kepra asap.


I had a simular case. It gave me a ‘drop of the hat’ temper. I was on Keppra for several years then changed to Keppra ER. It was then changed to Briviact. My doctor explained it is a cousin to Keppra…so it wasn’t going to be such a hard transition. There is some change in anger issues with Briviact. It may be something to mention to your doctor. Far as my situation, I have had to start taking vimpat in an addition. Now I want to cry all the time. LoL. I hope you’re doing well. I have an awful time with transitions.

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After bouncing back and forth with other anti-seizure medications I went back to Keppra; I guess over time my body adjusted or I’ve learned to deal with the anger issues I just didn’t like bouncing around between drugs or finding other drugs to counteract it… my body didn’t like all the back and forth.

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I absolutely understand. I hate to hear the words ‘need to try another medicine’. One incident I had is they changed me to one and realized quickly I couldn’t adapt to it then tried another. I literally can not remember 6 months of my life and bits and pieces of the year in total. No one understands unless they have had to. I am so glad you are doing better.


Keppra made my daughter into a zombie she literally could not function.
Vimpat gave her raging headaches where she couldn’t open her eyes and she felt like her head was going to explode-!to the point where we were wrapping her head to apply pressure.
She couldn’t stand or walk because she was so dizzy. Thankfully we were in the hospital during this time. They didn’t believe was the Vimpat, but once she stopped it she stopped screaming and literally drs were calling each other in to take a look at her because she was like a different child.
During the time they were giving it to her they brought her in for a ct and mri because they thought she had a rupture she was in so much pain.
Basically, she did not have a good experience


All I can say is do not take close together. I couldn’t take the full dose of what they started me on. Of course they started me on a lesser dose at first and then slowly raised the dose. I got toxic on it. My levels were extremely high. I was having terrible side effects. I told them how the effects were severe. They told me that my body was still trying to adjust to the medication. What I was feeling was not my body getting adjusted. Extremely dizzy. Seeing double, could not walk or even crawl. Nauseated. I could not function. Couldn’t get ready for work or even get up out of the bed. My body was definitely not adjusting. I had to suggest havin a level done myself. I dont think the were even do it. They lowered my dose. I just finally took things in my own hands and lowered even more. I finally got it down to two tablets a day. One in the morning and the other at night. Everything is fine now unless i take them too close together.


thank you; good to see you are still on the forum!

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