Update on surgery -one week later

First off I want to thank everyone for there support and well wishes. It means so much to me to know there are people out there having gone through and facing similar circumstances so thank you all. So yeah the surgery went well so I am told. Lost some vision in my left eye but I am told it is temporary and when things have healed it should come back but none the less the walls I keep walking in to still hurt. I learned steroids and anesthetic do not like me and made me pretty ill, 35 beautiful staples will most likely make a really cool scar and its really rather gross to hear fluid swishing around ones own skull. All in all, in good spirits and sleeping a lot. Take care everyone and hope the holidays find you well.

Great to hear!!!

Great! I hope it all continues to be good news and health.Take Care.

congratulations…that is great news…rest up and take it easy

Thats great news, hope she gets well soon

Wonderful news! Give her a hug from us.

Glad to hear she is okay so far. Tell her we all say hi and the best of wishes for a healthy recovery. It must be so difficult. My prayers are with her.

super news,Im so thankful to god it went great!! get well jillian,:slight_smile: Caroline

Jillian, EXCELLENT WORK!!! SLEEP-sleep, sleep. REST, rest, rest. Be good to you. Take care of you. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Be gentle with yourself…be well as soon as you can.

great news !

Jillian, so glad to hear that you are doing well. Your updated blog posting sure sounds like you are in good spirts and taking all of the “bad” stuff in stride! And ya, I’ve had probs with anesthesia in the past too! It can really make you sick and I often felt that was the worst part of the treatment!
And maybe you should be glad that those walls hurt when you run into them…just a reminder that they aren’t “padded” walls!!! :slight_smile:

Hello so glad your doing so well. With both of my brain surgeries I required so much sleep. The first one I slept for like 22 hours a day for 2 weeks and slowly decreased. Then the second surgery I slept for at least 15 hours a night for about a week. I say enjoy all the extra sleeping :slight_smile: plus it gives the brain some time to heal. :slight_smile:

Wonderful! Wonderful! news. Rest and take care of yourself.

It is great to hear you are doing so well! I hope that the holidays go very well for you too!!

I’m so happy to hear from you, Jillian. You sound pretty cheerful…you made me laugh with your comment about your squishy head! lol Get lots of rest and keep out of the way of those walls!

Great news. I am happy for you. I love to read such news.

tglad to hear your doing so well…stay well

Hey as time goes on the walls will move(HA!HA!) well actually you’ll began to adjust it’s great your vision is expected to come back mine is permanent. Continue to rest and recover God bless you!

Jillian…great to hear everything went well…anesthesia did not like me either…rest rest rest…all will improve in time…I had word finding issues post op…all resolved now…

Jillian sleep is the best so get as much as you can, i’m so glad it seems to have went well, take care x