Untreated AVM - sharp pain for 2 days owch

I’m having a few really hard days here.
On Sunday I started experiencing Beating in my ears with whooshing sounds. Then came severe stabbing sharp pain on the right side focal point right where my Avm is. This pain made me leap out of my chair. Made my hair stands on end. Fet like nerve pain/neuralgia.

What was concerning, is this pain is located and seems to be coming from the area or located in the area where my AVM is. Nothing is keeping the pain at bay for long. I also feel dizzy and not quite right.

My vision was double Last night. Today My vision is better. But If my headache continues. I think I will have to go to emerg. At least maybe they can help me with the pain. Cause it really hurts. Does anyone relate to this? Is this just the norm am I over reacting by going to emerg. Just wait it out? Idk. I am waiting for the angiogram. So idk. I could just stay at home and ice it and keep hoping for the best.
Thanks for your time. I wish everyone a good day and thanks for listening :notes::pray::peace_symbol:


Don’t mess around get it looked at.
right before mine ruptured my vision got fuzzy and I started getting double vision and it felt like somebody was putting a hot ice pick in the location of my head where the avm was; better safe than sorry!


I’d go get it checked. When my AVM ruptured I remember my vision got really blurry and then lost control of my right side. Last part was the pain got so bad I blacked out.


I’ll make it three, get it checked! I had the bad headache, and some wonky vision issues. My pupils were also not symmetrical, developed a super sensitivity to light. Getting checked s never the wrong answer. Take Care, John.


Thank you for your thoughtful advice! When I am able bodied, I will go to the hospital :slight_smile:

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No 4 swinging in here, too.

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Shoot, I sure wish I knew what I knew today before my rupture did happen - when it did, boy - things looked a bit grim

Everything I have gathered, like the replies above - when you know it’s there & you’re starting to feel issues - you want to go in & fast

Definitely not the answer I wanted either


Hi Jaylah,

Has anything changed recently in or near your environment - such as new or upgraded wireless (WiFi) equipment?

Maybe try to turn off all wireless gizmos near you and see if it helps.

The mainstream will think my suggestion is hooey. I know different, I lived through it and know better.

God bless,

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Why are you waiting? Have you seen the doctor? Things can and will change real fast - it is vital to follow through with your follow ups. One thing is for sure, you’re body will react to the AVM - sometimes not positive - see your doctor :heart:


Agree with others here. Please go and get it checked. You don’t have anything to lose by doing so.

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Ok. So I am attempting the hospital route to get it checked. I’m at Day three of now for this nasty headache. Thought I would clarify. The reason why I hesitate to go to the hospital is every time I go there, there is usually a About 6-8 hour wait. During this wait I’m usually having to sit in a chair for most of that time as the bed isn’t given to me until the last hour. Since I am already in terrible shape, add severe fibro and fatigue to my problems and unfortunately, I suffer heavily not only during the wait at the hospital, but for a number of days following. It is a crap reality, but it is a reality. That is why I hesitate. I guess I shouldn’t. Thanks again for being patient with me and my quandaries.

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Hey! I’m so sorry you have to deal with all that to get care - ER is not a place I want to be right now either - long wait time plus with the Covd 19 virus, ER is the last place I want to be. Do you have an AVM doctor? Keeping you in my prayers!!! I’m so sorry you have to deal with all of this - not easy but please take care of you!

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Why don’t you try letting them know that you have an AVM and could possibly be having a stroke/bleed. My husband had to keep telling them that I needed a CT scan asap. I had a seizure and I couldn’t get my whole right side to move. I couldn’t speak. I usually do that but it lasted way longer than it usually does. I had not had a bleed, but what if I had and they didn’t get me back as quick as they could. My husband would have sued the crap out of that hospital.

Right on Melissa!!! She does need to tell them right off - possible bleed and they will act quicker!!! I’m praying she gets help soon - I’m glad your husband took good care of you. Blessings

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That’s good your husband was there !!!

Jaylah, Get yourself to an Emergency Room NOW! This sudden headache is a classic sign of a STROKE! (“The worse headache you have ever had…”) The other signs and symptoms are worrisome, too. I can’t believe you haven’t gone on day one! (I am an ruptured AVM survivor and an R.N.) Pleeeze!


Whomever you are sound quite a bit like me -

I refused to go, multiple times - and, I had multiple bleeds. When this was finally being taken care of, I felt a tad dumb for overlooking some serious symptoms. Somehow luck was on my side, it did rupture - but, my body still took care of me.

No disagreement there - it completely sucks. When it came down to it, I went through 3 er visits before anyone actually knew what to do with me.

First two visits were what nightmares are made of - 3rd saved my life


The hospital sent me for a CT. no contrast. Nothing new showed up. No bleed. I left there after having meds like gravol and toradol for the nausea and pain. CT didn’t show anything. Unfortunately, I still have right side head pain. If it gets worse. I will just go back to hospital.

I did phone my neurologist yesterday and have the earliest appointment w him on Monday.

Anyways, I want to thank everyone for all of your Honest, kind and caring support. I really appreciate everyone’s knowledge and that you all have so much that you went through with your health and may still be going through. I never take that for granted. Thanks to you having the courage to talk to me about this, I have less fear about facing my future.

You all have helped me IMMENSELY!
Peace :peace_symbol: :two_hearts:


Sounds good. If ever your situation feels significant or suddenly different, just go. Delay is too dangerous. I’m not familiar with fibromyalgia (and from what I do know, it has all sorts of rather random symptoms) so only you can probably tell if pain relates to your AVM or your fibro but we would always tell you that you shouldn’t delay seeking medical advice for a severe or sudden change in AVM pain.

Its good to hear from you. Its always worrying when someone reports significant issues and then goes quiet for a few days!!


Well said - it’s pretty much what my neurosurgeon said. Anything feel off - just go in

With one of these guys in your head It’s just difficult not to be a hypochondriac yet be on what’s really going on in there.

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