Spinal av malformation

Is a spinal av malformation a tumor??

Hi Vicky,

AVMs are vascular lesions and I believe not considered to be true tumors, although some tumors can fall into the vascular category. My neurologists and neurosurgeons have always referred to AVM as 'lesions' and not used the term 'tumor'. I could be wrong of course, but that's my understanding of it.

Hi, my understanding as well are tumors are adnormal cell growth, AVMs are not. All the doctors I’ve talked to as well never associated an AVM as a tumor.

Hi Vicky, I've not heard of AVM's being called Tumour's before, They are simply put a malformation of the blood vessels , So when the blood vessels are forming they do not form "normally" or should I say as they are in the larger majority of people. when they do not form correctly they can have weaknesses in them and this is the reason that we get the AVM treated as in some situations its far worse for a rupture (bursting of the blood vessels) to happen than treatment options including surgery. Hope this helps :) , Take care P.S. a link for some further clarification : http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/spinal-arteriovenous-malformations/basics/definition/con-20036382