Someone help steer me in the right direction...Please?

I was just denied for disability in the state of California because they think a ticking time bomb in my brain is nothing serious. Has anyone been through this battle to catch a break and get the help that they need? Please give me advice if you know anything.

Whitney. 1st time denials are almost the norm. You can appeal or you can seek the opinion of a disability attorney. They don't get paid unless you win your benefits. They'll handle all of the paperwork too. Good luck!

Hi Whitney - My case is a bit unique - A friend of the family who was helping out was then-currently working with a client who knew someone in the Disability "forum" - I got Disability pretty quickly; however, I know that I've read many similar stories on here regarding funding, etc. You might try searching this in the box up top on this subject.

I was told by someone who used to work for Social Security that all 1st claims for people under 50 are denied! I got a lawyer and his assistant (the person that used to work for SSI) suggested that I write to my congresswoman for assistance moving my case along. It usually takes more than a year to get a court date here in New York. Thanks to letters written by Congresswoman Sue Kelly and Senator Hillary Clinton's offices, I got a court date in four months!

DON'T GIVE UP! Reapply with the help of an attorney who is experienced in California's disability laws.