Possible rupture

I have a AVM in my right leg. Last night I passed out while shopping, now this morning I feel Drunk. Blurred vision, slurred speech, confused, numbness & tingling in both legs and my right arm. I also have a severe headache. My family doctor office is closed because its 2 days before Christmas. Can on rupture if it is in an extremity? Has anyone else had this happen? What should I do?

Brittany, this is beyond your family doctor. All of these are stroke symptoms. You should call the doctors at Duke so that you can be seen as soon as possible. I would suggest you go to the ER, too, though I am not sure they will have the expertise to help. But at least they can run tests and determine if you are bleeding or if your brain is being deprived of oxygen by your leg avm. They should also check your heart.

Go today, please. Don't wait.

I am about to go. have you heard of them hemorrhaging when they are located in extremites like mine?

I believe they can, but I can't think of any member here who has experienced that.

get evaluated! go to the nearest ER and they will take care of you, good luck.