Pelvis AVM

Hi I just joined this group.I have been diagnosed as pelvic AVM from october 2013. I am developing varicose veins in my pubic area which are the size of little finger. I am also developing pain in my L buttock and it is radiating down the leg. For the past 2 days I am developing claudication when I walk too much. My leg feels heavy. Is all this symptoms common with pelvic AVM.

Murali, this search may help you connect with others who have pelvic avms:

Hi I also have a pelvic avm. I have pain in those areas along with the heaviness and weakness of my leg. I also have numbness in my whole leg at times I have been told from pressure and damage to nerves. This is a hard location to treat and I feel your pain. Hope all goes well in your journey to fighting this thing!

Hi Sorry I was in the hospital and they found out I had a DVT and I had thrombolysis done. I feel a whole lot a better. All my pain are gone. I am on warfarin 10 mg. Dr said my pain is due to DVT and not due to AVM. I have no problem now. I am all confused whether to get embolization done or not.