Obsipical lobe, AVM

AS I read through everyones experiences and treatment options I keep reading about AVMs in the cerrabellum or temporal lobes, but I have yet to find someone who has an AVM in the obsipical lobe.Like my daughter has! Im sure your out there and Im just not finding you, but I would love to communicate and see if some of what my daughter is going through is maybe due to the location.

HI Lisa! Check out my daughter's page. She is 15 and her AVM is left occipital lobe which bled 9 yrs ago. She had undergone 1 embolization and 3 radiosugeries. She has an appt in December to go over the MRI she will have next week to see how things are doing. Her main issue from all of this is that she has lost the perepheral vision in her right eye. She has been seizure free for over 2 yrs now as the meds have kept them at bay. I'd like to hear your story about your daughter and I hope you are doing well.

Hi there. I had an AVM in the right occipital lobe when I was 9 years old. It was 50 years ago, but I am ok. I lost vision in both eyes, but live a normal life.


Hello! I have a Grade 5 AVM in left temporal&occipital lobes. I've been living with mine since I was born & have decided to at the moment just live with it since I really haven't had any issues with it besides headaches.