Note to Self

My therapist gave me some Solid advice yesterday I wanted to share! Because when my inter-cranial AVM ruptured it crashed my Motor Cortex I have been attending physio and occupational therapy for 2 years Sitting through 2 hours of physiotherapy at a rehabilitation institute yesterday, my therapist Finally Snapped at me! “Lets concentrate on what you Can do Not on what you Can’t do!” Ithought this was a quote worth sharing!!

I like it!

What your therapist said is so true. Focus on what you can do, not what you can’t do…It makes our, after an AVM Survivor, lives so much stonger! Keep the Faith!

So true, Nicole! :slight_smile:
Post-op of #4 crani, a rehab nurse told me to, “allow myself moments of sadness for loss & grieve, but to not get caught in the loop of it & to focus on the good things in my life & what I can do.”

That’s a very positive spin on things. Great quote! Thanks for sharing that Nicole. Sorry that your therapist snapped at you, but the quote is golden. Thanks again. :slight_smile: