New AVM tat ;-) Thank you all! This was inspired by the strength of everyone here

Very cool! I’ve been thinking of getting one myself, never had a tat before…

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: This is a credit to the awesomeness of this entire website and support and strength we all offer each other! The tattoo is looking great Jessica!

Keith- Thank you so much for being an awesome friend, for keeping me posted on your condition and for checking up on me.
James- I’m not going to lie to you. It was painful but to tell you the truth it feels like a rewarding pain and as soon as the needle stops you won’t feel a thing. So many of us don’t wear our scars on the outside but they are still very real. Thanks for taking a look and if you decide to get one let me know :slight_smile:

I love it !!!xxoo just beautiful!!!xxoo

Love it!

Take care,


Thanks Debbie and Caroline. God bless you both.