Mum of AVM survivor

Hi Shins,

Firstly wlecome to the family and glad we can offer support here for not only patients but family and friends of loved ones… Yes it is stated that there is a chance of reoccurrence of AVM’s in children as they are still developing, however its not 100% that it will happen to your child… the best advice now is to roll with the punches as they say and take things as your medical professional recommends… hope this helps and praying your child does not have to go through this ever again and stays AVM free forever… God bless!

Thanks for that Adrian. I am thankful that the odds are in her favour. We are lucky she is so young and unscathed by it all. She is already forgetting her ordeal, while we are still dealing with the trauma. We’ll get there…


Yes I haven’t had any symptoms thankfully since it’s so small. My neurosurgeon has discussed possibly another surgery or radiation with me. Embolization is not an option due to its size and location.

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As a parent it would be something that will always be there in the back of your mind… just need to be positive and help her live her best life… God bless!

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