Memorial Day Reflections

Hope all is well with everyone this Memorial day. I’ve been reflecting on those who are fighting and have fought for us and it’s one more thing to be really thankful for.
I realized today has been exactly 1 year since I woke up and fell flat on my face because I was totally numb on my right side. I thought I had just slept wrong until I felt nothing from my toes to my face.
I was really blessed to be where I was when it happened, as I was at the American Cancer Society Hope Lodge in Minneapolis and the hospital was only two blocks away. I was due to start chemo/radiation ( for an unrelated cancer)and my sister was flying in to help me through it. The staff at the UM hospital were the best, and they wasted no time in finding out why I had a bleed in my brain. The fact that I have naturally low blood pressure helped point them away from a traditional stroke, and they discovered the AVM with angiogram. I spent a week in the hospital and was scheduled for gamma knife 3 weeks after that.
I’d say the procedure itself was not the most pleasant thing I’ve ever experienced, but it sure wasn’t the worst either. They prepared me very well so nothing was a surprise. I was able to go through with my cancer treatments about a month later, and so here I am today…cancer free, and trying to follow up on the AVM. I moved out of state and it’s been hard to find a doctor willing to follow up down here in La.
I have been having some issues recently with mobility… and trying to get to the bottom of it. Went and saw a neurosurgeon last week with a disc of a brain MRI I had within the last month, and he wants to check my spine out before moving on to the brain… after reading many of the posts on here, I’m thinking some of my symptoms could be due of a dying AVM, since it was located in the motor center, but sheesh, who am I? So, I’ll go spend a few thousand dollars to rule out the spine and then maybe someone will listen.
Hey, not only have I written a book, I almost succeeded in putting myself in a bad mood.
Anyway, hope everyone has a wonderful day, and I’m off to go find my happy pants :slight_smile:

Hi Jane:
You certainly have and have had a lot to deal with (understatement) in the last while. I am really glad that you are cancer free and you will work your way through the AVM too, it will just be a different route. It really does take a tole on the emotions too. I too have been having various mobility issues lately even though the AVM has closed off about 3 years ago. It is extremely frustrating (and scary) dealing with new doctors, changes in the after effects that you have worked hard on to compensate/work with etc. You will handle it though, you are strong. We all have so different issues to deal with yet they are so the same too. They are still a hard climb though. I wish you the best and as a rule this site is so helpull even if it is just to vent for our own sakes.
Warm wishes
Elaine Hudson
James Thurber: Look not back in anger or ahead in fear but around us in total awareness

Thanks Laine!
It does get undeniably frustrating, but you are right, I will get through it. Healing takes patience and sometimes it gets thin in places. Those are the times I get that little tap on the shoulder saying “hey girl, time for an attitude check”, and I remember how blessed I am to be able to express ( and type! ) how I am feeling at the moment.
I am so glad I found this site… I’ve learned so much from the folks here, and it is a comfort that others here understand the language. I’m sure I’ll be a regular visitor from now on!
Thanks and hugs,