Medic Alert Dog Arrival Imminent

It takes 6 months of consistent effort to break a habit. Is it worth it for you?
Groundhog Day is seriously one of the most imaginative, complex and hilarious movies I’ve ever seen. A study in how many different directions the same story beginning can head. If it isn’t used in writers workshops then it should be.


Actually, it was Bill Murray, but Bill was fantastic in it… suited him perfectly.

It makes me smile just thinking about that movie.


I think it was the first time that I realised Bill could really act.

Ever had a day a bit like that? A lot of miss-starts?

I think TJ is a bit stuck in Groundhog Day and he just tries something different every day to see if it makes any difference.

But, you know what, TJ?

Never give up trying because we love you and your family love you anyway. It’s just sometimes it doesn’t show.

Lots of love,


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Just a day like that? I’ve had way more than that…

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At first read, I wasn’t sure what you meant and I was thinking, “Is he messing with me?” But the more I thought about what you said, I don’t know if this is the way you meant it, but it’s the way I’m going to take it:

When you are not able to work outside the home, your days all seem to run together. I couldn’t tell you how many times I have a hard time figuring out what day it is because they all start to look the same.

I have seen so many doctors as we’ve attempted to work on so many aspects of what the AVM screwed up - headache docs, ear docs, throat docs, psych docs, eye docs, lung docs, my regular doc and I’m sure I’ve forgotten some of them in the list. Every single one of them either said, “There’s nothing we can do” or let’s see if this works and if this doesn’t, then there’s nothing else we can do besides for wait and hope the nerves heal themselves.

Because of that, I feel like I have to try to “adjust” things myself to try to make a difference. If my headaches have improved (somedays they have, some days it seems like they haven’t) it is because I have and am learning how to control my surroundings in order to reduce the pain and such from the headaches.

So, yes, I guess in many ways, my life post January 30, 2018 has been like the movie. And Richard, I know, but it’s always good to hear it, last month has been 38 years since my better half and I went on our first date (Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom - great first date movie) and in July we will celebrate 35 years worth of marriage. We don’t always show it, we don’t always understand each other but God has been so good to me in allowing me to marry my best friend from high school…

Quite often, I remind myself of the shortest commencement speech ever given. Winston Churchill at an Ivy League school after WWII. He stood up, went to the podium, scanned the crowd, leaned in to the microphone and said, “Never, Never, Never Give Up.”

And then he turned around went back to his chair. Once they realized the full implications of what he said, the crowd gave him a lengthy and heart felt standing ovation.


P.S. - Moderators, if you think we’ve hijacked this post and should have it as a separate discussion, feel free to break it off or tell me how to.


That’s exactly what I meant! I’ve got a good lady, too.

I’ll let Christine tell us if we need to move this diversion elsewhere. If so, I can move it.

Very best wishes,


Hey TJ,
Ohh you’ve touched on a few raw nerves there, for me anyway.

“…your days all seem to run together…” Yes, yes and yes and I HATE it. I used to have ‘monuments’ in my week, days on which certain things would happen. That’s all gone. I used to be able to plan for things to happen on a certain day, now I seem to plan around symptoms and yet I never know from one day to the next which symptoms will need to be managed. All of that control has evaporated.

“…I have seen so many doctors…” and “There’s nothing we can do”
For me the conflicting arguments can be so frustrating. Every one of them has a differing opinion. And like you my symptoms fluctuate wildly. If I see a Dr on a good day it’s like ‘Well, I don’t see an issue…’ but if I see a dr on a bad day, it’s like ‘OMG’. Now if they are saying OMG, they can only imagine what it’s like for us. This is a reality many of them have very little clue about “Just take a Panadol” Panadol?? Are you kidding me??? A Panadol is like taking a sugar tablet. No use at all. I have learnt that I have to manage all of this for me, not the dr’s. They cannot see nor feel nor (in many cases) even comprehend the rollercoaster we are on. As I’ve said many times before:

    "Some days I can leap a tall building in a single bound,
     (OK, so a bit of an exaggeration) 
     Other days I'm lucky to crawl out of bed. I can NEVER tell."

And for some medicos this is really difficult to understand. No amount of explanation seems to be able to get the message across that there is no such things as ‘normal’ anymore. It’s more like ‘What is the day going to present me with today???’ For some medicos they just don’t seem to ‘Get it’. I’ve tried to educate them, but have found you can’t educate people who know-it-all.

“…last month has been 38 years since my better half and I went on our first date…”
This year it’s been 25yrs since the wife and I started going out together I’ve told her many times, she’d get less of a sentence for murder, but still she’s stuck by me. I tell you, that woman deserves a medal (or a psych exam). We are just so lucky TJ. I thank my lucky stars on a daily basis I can assure you.

Merl from the Moderator Support Team.

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Bill Murray is the best, I also liked him in St Vincent.