Hurry up and wait

As a reader, you might be wondering why or what the title of this means, well believe me it is simple. For as long as I can remember or even recognize other’s words spoken to me, I was repeatedly told by every doctor I was forced to come across, “hurry up and wait”… Yet it took me years to comprehend what the "men in white"were speaking of. But I did. I hurried up, like they said, and Waited! I must have waited most of my entire life. At least, growing up, that is what it felt like.
Being a kid is alittle hard to explain. Twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week, forever, I hurt!! I bleed, I cried, at times I even faked it, wish I was dead or that I would just disappear for good. But my strength overwhelmed my soul and that is why I am writing this! At this time in my life, my young school-time years, all I was told by teachers or people of authority was “Get that Gum out of your mouth now!” over and over again for most of my elementary years. I kept telling them that I had no gum in my mouth whatsoever, but they refused to listen or even believe me. You cannot disclude my peers, they were worse than the so-called authority figuires. They would laugh, taunt, even say that I talked funny. Never could I or even make friends. No one would give me a chance because they all thought I talked funny. Lonely was my soul, dying and trying to survive the emmbense pain brought down by others. But yet my strength overwhelmed my soul giving me the ability to live through it and knowing I will win and I will survive no matter what people or even life throws my way. I can handle it! At least I try one way or another to deal with what god has given me…only part of my story------want to know more?------write me ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Then after at least seven surgeries to try to remove my “tumor” I realized that I will always have it and actually there is nothing I can literally do about it. The “doctors” tried everything. They did laser, plastic surgery, cauterize and everything else, to try to make it disappear. Nothing…Years go by and nothing… I thought that I would just have to live with it and that would be it. I tried with all my heart to forget that I was born with something different …write more later…