How is started: The story

So to make the long story short, 3months ago my husband then 24 had a severe stroke. When this occured, luckily he was at his office which is next to one of the best neurosurgery hospitals in Australia.
After admitting him, he straight away had a CT scan which revealed that he has had a severe stroke which built a high pressure in his brain and therefore he immediately needed two EVD's inserted into his brain. The cause however was still unknown. Only the next day he had an angiogram which revealed that he has an AVM which is partially in his brainstem. Even though it's not so big in size(around 2x2x2cm), due to the location it was impossible to operate. On the second day from admission he had a second stroke...
Doctors' prognosis was very poor, and they could only try to help him by keeping his Blood pressure in control (for which he needed 5types of meds).
For the first week he was deeply in coma, later on he would wake up for several minutes in a day, and the time would increase with each day. We were not sure whether he would even remember us or be able to see or talk.
Due to pipes in his mouth (and later trache) he could not talk but by nodding he told us he could remember us, hear us, and see.
After two weeks in ICU he was told to be stable (was off the BP meds) and was transferred to neurosurg ward. There due to blockage of his EVD, he went back into coma. After replacing it, he started getting more gains, moving a little.