Hi All, It's been a while!

Well I know it’s been a while since my last update but this whole normal life is just so busy!
Jacob is doing brilliantly in every way, he is sports mad and has represented school playing rugby (never thought I would see that day, well I didn’t I was too scared to watch) and he ran cross country and came 25th out of 59 which just proved yet again that he is my super hero.
He is also playing golf, short tennis, swimming and has recently taken up tai kwon do.
We will see the paediatrician in the summer and may be able to reduce the epilepsy meds which would be fantastic.
Big Hugs and lots of positive vibes to all xxxxxxxxx

Hello Clare,
It’s awesome to read about Jacob’s advancements, I know you are so proud, Glad to hear he is doing well, and praying for reduction/no seizure meds soon!