Eye Doctor

Okay, so I go to the eye doctor for a slightly overdue exam. End result, I have the start of cataracts which is common for my age and I have lost a little of my upper left peripheral vision which is consistent with the location of my AVM (right temporal-occipital). He's going to do an extended visual field test to have the best baseline. Ah, but I digress! The thing I reallywant to talk about is how crappy I felt afterwards. I'm sure having my pupils dilated was part of it but I'm wondering if all the bright colored lights shined in my eyes had more to do with it. I expected a headache and was right on that one (note to self: take preventive dose of acetaminophen before eye doc appt). But severe fatigue set in quickly along with confusion and disorientation. I kept thinking, "I really don't feel very well". When I got home my husband could see it on my face and he's usually clueless. 7 hours after the appointment I felt a little better as I was going to bed and, thank God, I felt fine this morning. I'm so glad I only have to do this every couple of years!
What say you? Anyone else have trouble at the eye doctor?

I’m still in denial, Karen. I’m still avoiding the eye doc, because my vision is perfect at 46. If they don’t stop making books with the print too small, or making road signs that are getting a little blurry at a distance, I’ll have start complaining. I guess the eye doc is a good place to go to complain? :slight_smile:

I am in the same boat as you. I am at the cataract age, and I have had them for many years. They did not change or cause problems until recently. I already have homonymous hemianopia to the left which is loss of vision in both eyes from center to left, and was the result of the AVM. I am also very scared to do anything about these cataracts. I have fears of losing more vision, and hate the thought of lights in my eyes, and all that. I am an avoided of all things scary, and I need to do something. I am doing nothing yet because that is me.
