Epilepsy abroad

i had an AVM, and now i have epilepsy, i was wondering if i go abroad for a year, how that would work? how would i take my meds? i take lamotrigine, would i have to change my meds for a different brand? like keppra or other medicines? i like the medication im on and i don't want to change it.

Thanks ninibeth, so am i, 250 tho, it’s a real bummer! I wish hadn’t taken it at all seizure free! I’m worried about going abroad, how will I get my medication abroad? How long for? Maybe I go to travel for many places?

Chris...Please call the doctor who prescribed your seizure med to get your information.

Please don't stop taking your med without his advise. The last thing you want to do is not have your med while abroad.

Let us know your doctor's advise.

Don’t worry, I have my medication with me at all times, and never go with out! I’m a stickler about that!

It's quite likely that you could get a year's supply to take with you as it can be difficult to fill prescriptions out of country. I believe it is sometimes possible to fill prescriptions with the help of Medicalert.

Hey Chris, my AVM ruptured and got removed when I was ten, by the age of fifteen epilepsy had hit. When I was nineteen, my epilepsy still being in full swing, I went backpacking through Europe. I also am on Lamotrigine and di-valproex; I did not have to change my medicines nor should you, the process is too lengthy/risky to do right before you go traveling. I just got a year supply of my meds. I live in Canada and my medicines were covered, but unfortunately not in that large of a supply. So, if you simply going traveling for a year maybe you'd want to do that and ask your Doc or pharmacist if there are any proper documentations needed to bring the pills with you. If you're planing on living and working abroad, it may be a good idea to get set up with a Doctor before you leave. I'd still bring a supply of medicine though. Hope this helps.

Take care man,

Hi, thanks dude, I’ll think on it some more, get all the facts be for I make up my mind, and I think I’m gunna go with someone?

I’m looking into this myself for the long term due to plans. I’ll see if I can get information from my neurologist regarding it to pass along. Cheers!