Driving after craniotomy

Hi castle,
I’m from Essex aswell lol. I had surgery last may to remove my avm from my right temporal lobe after I suffered a bleed. I had two rounds of gamma before hand, but unfortunately suffered a bleed during the waiting period. After craniotomy you do loose your license for a bit, I can’t remember how long the surgeon said, I had a seizure 5 weeks after surgery so I lost my license for a year. I am just coming up to being a year seizure free so I am in the process of applying for my license back​:crossed_fingers:t2:. I am so glad I had it surgically removed,I was absolutely scared stiff before hand. It’s the unknown that gets to you!! It’s natural to be scared, worried, we wouldn’t be human if we didn’t. Today I am pretty much back to normal, had a few hiccups along the way but hey I’m still alive and I’m avm free. I am sure you will be absolutely fine in your recovery. Which hospital are you being treated at? I will have my :crossed_fingers:t2:Crossed for you on 19th.
All the best xx

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