Drink and AVM

I went to go see UK comedian Russell Brand last night and laughed so much I nearly peed myself, they say laughter is the best medicine!! I did however drink with a unquenchable thirst - probably to ‘drown my sorrows’ and today I feel hungover and back to feeling sorry for myself, after such a joyous evening that made me forget all about my unfortunate condition and the battle I probably face. Conclusion - Too much drink and AVM on left cheek don’t mix - Laughter I recommend!

Yep, laughter really IS the best medicine. And all too often, you will find that members of this board (yes, me included!) think we are comedians… some of us have more of a knack at it than others!!! But it keeps everyone smiling and in good spirits. And for that I’m grateful for all of our members who attempt the jokes! :slight_smile:

Hello Roland.
Laughter is necessary and provides wonderful release and ‘prizes’ to mind and body…and it’s just fun. All that drinking and you didn’t do a routine yourself ? He wouldn’t share the stage ? Comedians are selfish that way…
Be good to you. Take care of you.
May you have the smoothest possible sailings through yhese turbulent waters and find more laughter than you can hold.