Does anyone know?

I can't remember who wrote a thing that describes how you feel as you start to have a seizure. I would like to post it to a site that I am on that supports other people who have seizures for various reasons. Seems like it was on the blog that used to be on here. I would give her credit for it, not plagiarize or anything. I just think it would be benifial to others that they could show people that do not have seizures what it is like to experience one.

Well when I had them it was sort of like a 6th since felling that something wasn't right and bad was going to happen. Dizzy felling was next and right before the seizure a strange feeling going up your spinal cored into your brain and then it just feels like some one tickled the inside of your brain and then shuts you down for a second and you hit the floor. Loss of consciousness occurs for a couple of second. You then half to wait for your brain to reboot. Its like if the computer goes out for a power outage. It will work again when its back on it just takes some time to reboot. That's how my big seizure's worked. Thank god I haven't had one in 3 years now.

I just had a whole bunch of stuff done in November and December 2015. That's probably why I had one the day after Christmas and than another one on 1/21/16. It scares me so bad everytime.

Hi Melissa,

The thing about having seizures is that you don’t know when exactly it could happen… all that we know is that the cause are either being over stressed or we lack enough rest… I have my last seizure back on November but it took 5 months rather than two months which I usually expect to happen… which I find rather a good thing since it took longer than the usual… probably means that my health is improving… probably xD…

Although, lately this past few weeks, I’ve been anxious and over thinking, causing minor symptoms of my seizure… like the numbing of the left part of my face and a bit of headache… so every time it starts to happen, I stop whatever it is that I’m doing, id take a rest, relax and try to breath normally… and of course I’d call for someone who can look out for me even for a while just in case…

As of now I’m still hoping my seizure interval will take much longer than before if not I’m hoping that it wouldn’t occur at all… I still take a dosage of anti seizure meds as well… I always pray everyday and even though I’m over thinking things… I always keep some happy thoughts with me while thinking positive at times… we just have to keep fighting… and go along with our everyday life… enjoy it to the fullest as well… being scared will just put more stress in your mind… so keep safe and god bless…

I feel like I'm going to have one sometimes, and I do the same thing, as far as stopping what I am doing, trying to relax. Sometimes it helps other times it doesn't. I can feel my heart start to speed up, and can't talk, right side will feel weak. I call those "episodes". I guess they are probably seizures too. At least I don't go out or feel like I am sufficating. I'd rather just completely go out than feel like I can't breathe while my whole body is convulsing.

Yes, sadly it doesn’t work every time… but its better to have something you can do than nothing at all…

On that note, whenever your heart, beats fast, do you have problems with breathing? I think I saw someone mentioned in one of the discussion post that the anti seizure meds causes soar throat and sinus… although I don’t know if its true or not… I have a sinus myself, I have a hard time breathing whenever I’m stressed or anxious about my seizure symptoms… to the point that I just wanted it to happen sometimes…