Cerebral AVM

Hi everyone, I'm new here. My 8 year old son suffered what his neurosurgeon BELIEVES to have been a ruptured cerebral AVM on May 5th of this year. I say "believes to be", as the AVM could never be 100% confirmed when he was admitted due to the amount of blood on his brain, and every MRI and angio that he's had since the blood has been gone, has been clear and free from abnormalities. We are of course cautiously relieved about this, but I guess it just seems odd to me. Has anyone ever heard of a cerebral AVM in a sense, taking care of itself? I know his neurosurgeon believes that to be the case with his, it's just been a long tough road so far with a lot of unrelated setbacks (surgical error, unknown minor heart conditions, kidney stones, etc), so I think we're always expecting the worst now. He finally came home after 6 wks in the hospital, and I continue to live in constant fear of the unknown, so much so that I sleep in his room every night. We have a 2nd opinion at Cincinnati Children's Hospital coming up soon that will hopefully give us some peace of mind. I'm hoping maybe some of you who have experienced this might be able to give some input from experience. Thank you in advance! :-)

This exact thing happened to my son. It took six months and an angiogram to find a little remnant of the AVM. He then had another surgery to remove it. Six years later this past April, in a repeat angiogram, another little remnant found . Had Gamma Ray procedure.

I would suggest sending scans/information to the barrow Institue or dr. Neil Martin at UCLA. Message me if you need contact info. Both are very knowledgeable about cerebral avms. Dr. Martin removed my cerebral avm in May. Best of luck!