AVM Guide Question 3 - What (or where) is(was) the location of your AVM?

My AVM is located in my left frontal lobe.

Left frontal lobe, at nine years old, the lasting disabilities that still hinder me are right side limp, right side field cut, and short-term memory loss. But, with all that and my stubbornness, my determination helped me to walk across my graduation stage on time in 2009. Witch was a major accomplishment that when I was released from Dr.Scott. Here I am in August will turn 26, and from time to time will catch myself down on myself but I’m stronger because I’ve not taken the easy road and have many inspired because of it. Yours Truly, Tex P.S. You’ve got to go through the valley of death to find out what your true bottom is but always know in the mist of terror there is always a glimmer of hope. Use that spark to enrage a forest fire in yourself.

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Mine is located: anterior midline pons

Mine is right temporal lobe

My son’s was left frontal lobe

Right Tibula/fibula (lower right leg)

Right parietal lobe (removed via craniotomy)

I have 3 AVM's located within the dura of my spinal cord located at L1, L3 and L5.

spinal dural AVM L1, L2

Mine is left temporal lobe.

Right Parietal lobe

Spinal Dural AVM, T8, Compression damage up to T6.

right occipital/ parietal area of brain

Throughout left foot.

Internal iliac artery .

My AVM is located in my right lung.

Mine was along the upper edge of the Left Superior Frontal Gyrus. (according to my discharge summary :laughing:)

Right frontal and Temporal lobe

Mine was in the left rear occipital cortex among the visual processing junction.

In the right occipital lobe. It was removed after it bled in 1959. I lost half the vision in both eyes.