AVM angio results

Andrew’s AVM is gone. Results are all clear.

That is awesome! Congrats!

I am encouraged to read Andrew’s story. My daughter is 10 and had a bleed at the end of July and we are currently in the process of trying to figure out where to go, and who to go to for treatment. It sounds like my daughter’s AVM is in the same location as Andrew’s WAS (doesn’t that sound nice!). Our surgeon is concerned about craniotomy because of the right leg weakness possibility, so we are presently waiting on the consults from a couple of other neurosurgeons, because they don’t do gamma knife in Knoxville, to see what their opinion is. We will have some tough decisions to make, and the waiting is draining! Congratulations on completing the journey, and sharing the positive news with the rest of us!

Congratulations Andrew and your family. It’s so great to hear good news. Prayers really do get answered. Congrats.

Wow! Congratulations on the wonderful news!

Take care,


Oh Fantastic news! Congratulations Andrew and your entire family.

Great news…I can’t imagine what it must have felt like to hear that after all Andrew has been thru.

Happy Dancing for all of you Janice ! Nothing better than sounding the all-clear to bring about a smile shared around the world .

What wonderful news! Congratulations, Andrew! You’re right Marianne…smiles are spreading across the world today!

that is great so gald you have finally heard those beautiful words!!! Hope all stays great for you guys

Best news ever!!!

Thanks every one for your support. After all the messages we received on his caringbridge webpage, I think Marianne is right, smiles were occuring around the world. It was the best words ever “There is no AVM”. We also heard from Dr. Spetzler’s office in Phoenix and he was in agreement with the neuroradiologist in Indianapolis that the AVM is gone. Next angio in three years.