Aromatherapy use?

After a bleed in November caused by an undiagnosed AVM I am awaiting an MRI scan to check for fluid on the brain and the location of the avm to decide treatment. I have become very nervous and tense through this whole ordeal and I think that is what is now causing my headaches in the form of tension headaches as I was advised that the headaches should not be present now.I am not taking any painkillers after been on paracetomol and codiene for 4 months as I know analgesics can sometimes make headaches worse. Before this I used to turn to aromatherapy for a lot of ailments but my GP does not seem to want to confirm that this is safe to use. Has anybody had any experience with aromatherapy, avm and bleed???

While it may be tempting to try, it’s always wise to stick to your GP’s advice. If you don’t agree, feel free to get another opinion from another doctor. All the best, Captain Tilly Harkness!

Yehh thanx Tim…I just sometimes feel like it’s easier for them to play it safe and say no rarther than look into it. But they are the experts and I would never go against what they say. I just feel like some aromatherapy would help.