
Quiz for Monday morning:

"Raise your hand if you had headaches for at least 3 hours yesterday that caused your normal headaches to spike. (as in reading that last sentence out loud would cause 7 spikes in the headache because 7 words.)


Looks around the room, no hands are raised but my own." Gulp.

“Question #2 Anyone here spend at least three hours yesterday dealing with some sort of head pain? (No teenagers do not count as head pain. At least not all of the time.)”

Starts counting the hands as they keep going up. Soon realize that it would be easier to count those who don’t than those who do.

“Everyone, take a big sigh of relief and look at the hands raised around you. Now repeat after me, I am not alone.”

I am not alone.

And now go and do something good for someone and help them not feel alone. Because I believe this is a very busy, noisy, nosey, obnoxious world and there are a lot of lonely people in it.

very carefully sets the mic down on the table that @ModSupport put out covered with a very comfortable blanket so that our mic can rest in peace.



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Unfortunately I can only give +1 once, but it should be +100
Firstly for saving the mic :rofl::rofl::rofl: or ‘rest in peace’. What? so you did kill it?:rofl:

This journey can be so very isolating for everybody involved. I know those around us try to empathise but the reality is we are the only ones who can fully comprehend the gravity of it all. For me that’s where Ben’s has been beyond value, linking people with similar experiences who otherwise would still be in that isolation. And as for you being part of this community, well, that gets you even more +1’s.

So thank you TJ, I truly mean that more than you will ever know.

Merl from the Moderator Support Team

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I misspoke @ModSupport, the RIP was for the Mic that I dropped last time and I happened to be next to a swimming pool (or more likely a mud puddle) and it drowned.

The blanket is for the current mic.

Merl, thank you for your kind and overly generous words.


P.S. Did I ever tell you about the time my brother did a funeral for a goldfish? He was in 6th grade, I was in 4th. I can still remember gathering around the porecelain throne, he said a few words and then whooosh… Down she went!

Oh and that brother is currently a pastor and has been for the last 30+ years. I don’t know if he’s done any more animal funerals.

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