A letter for you

My dear friends
Here I am again trying so hard to find something positive in my life …. Searching for a miracle in my sad life …. everything goes from bad to worse here in my country.

We don’t have health insurance … paid for private treatment can no longer afford it. Instead me and other people end up at government run hospitals, and since the crisis began, many don't even have that option. For one year I am trying to go for embolization with no positive result.

I still have my active avm with the wounds and a lot of pains.
I wanted to share some thoughts.
Thank You For Hearing me.
May God be with you

I’m so sorry about the insurance situation, fairytail. It must be very frustrating. I hope the economy will turn around soon, and you will have more options.

thank you my dear dancermom ... I hope to

My dear eileen thank you so much for your message ... for your words ... for your love.
I had contact in the past with the birthmark website ... they suggested me a doctor in athens.
I dont know if they can offer money for me ... unfortunatelly I am an adult, I am not a child and as you say funds are raised to treat children. So I feel so sad that I am ashamed to ask for money. I just don't know what to do with myself ... I continue to live ... I continue to suffer ... can you think of a solution for me