Urgent Request for Belgium Contact

Hi everyone. I have an urgent favor. I am up for a grant to travel to
the UK and Belgium. The internal application for my university is due
this Thursday, but my advisor reminded me that I need “affiliation
letters” from individuals or organizations in both countries. Are there
an survivors that are based in Belgium?? Or if you know of someone
please respond. I’m still waiting to hear back from my
contact. I only need one to two paragraphs from the person or organization saying why they think my project is important and how they will support me while I’m in the country by providing any resources, advice and contacts they can as I work to cover stories about AVM patients, doctors and researchers and create awareness. If you all could help me out, it would mean so much. I know the community is deep and strong, and we have each others backs. Trying to do my part. Please email me at ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■! Thank you! ~ Jaz

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