My body self-healed, my avm is gone, anyone else have this happen to them?

After having a cranium AVM for many years, my body self-healed, shutting off the blood supply to the malformation. I’d known about it for 5 years, having had an mri for ‘the worst headache of my life’. The neurologist reading the mri said I had a 90% chance of dying on any given day. I gave up on life, thinking I had no future. My daughter, after 5 years of insisting I get a second opinion, finally convinced me to see a different doctor and get a new mri. A MIRACLE HAPPENED! My avm showed up as a mere ‘ghost’ of it’s former self. He showed me the original image and the latest image, side by side and you could see where the avm simply was fading away into nothingness. The dr. couldn’t explain it. He said people my age (65) have a greater risk as they get older due to thinning of vessel and vein walls. This was impossible, by all knowledge they had on the matter. YOUNGER people’s bodies can ‘self heal’, but not older patients, such as myself.
I’m curious if there are others out there who have had this same experience, this ‘miracle’. I had a lot of people praying for me. I think God heard them.


Hi. It is a great thing that your AVM has gone! To be honest, I think the only other occurrence I’ve heard of was your post earlier this year! Maybe one other, I don’t remember.

Doing a bit of searching on the web and using my own logical mind, I’d say that it is possible for an AVM to vanish naturally, if it becomes blocked by a thrombosis in the right part. I found a reference just now on the Stroke Association web site to AVMs naturally shrinking due to clots, and we know that embolisation is basically a purposeful blocking or clotting of the artery.

So… I’m sure you’ve had a rare upon rare experience but entirely possible! And I can’t disprove the power of prayer, either, so could be a more likely cause: I don’t know! Whichever it was, it’s a great thing!

Very best wishes


Hi Richard, thanks for your kind reply.
My neurologist said that it wasn’t a blood clot that caused the avm to
’die off’, it was a physical act of the body healing over that vein and
cutting off the blood supply forever. He said I should have no worries that
it might return, it had diminished into a ghost of its former self. What a
relief! If a blood clot were to dissolve, the malformation might revive
itself, but that is not my situation.

I hope avm sufferers will read my story and realize that ANYTHING can
happen, just don’t give in to the ‘gloom and doom’ scenario that I bought
into when I first got my diagnosis that it was inoperable. I thought my
life was over and caved-in to deep depression. I want my story to
reinvigorate others to NOT give up. I hope this appears on the website, I
want to shout it from the roof-tops! Healing can happen!


That is incredible!! I am very happy for you!!


It’s fine. I was just offering something I’d managed to Google. I’ve no idea why your specific AVM did what it did. I agree, clots could subsequently dissolve.

I looked back at your February post just now and in there you talk about it having some calcification. I understand calcified arteries are more common in someone over 60 and are apparently related to inflammation of the artery or other effects… high cholesterol or diabetes mellitus type 2 or smoking would all be potential contributors to calcification of an artery. Again, I’m just Googling reasons why these things happen in some people, not knowing anything about you. Maybe the calcification helped close it.

As you say, it’s an amazing thing when you’ve been told that no surgery or other intervention can be done that something like this could spontaneously fix it. It’s brilliant!

All the very best!


Thank you! I want to keep sharing my message with others who might feel
like there’s no hope, no future. Miracles do happen.

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This is fantastic news and truly a miracle… God bless!

Thank you for the blessing, I do believe God performed a miracle on me. I
now feel like my life has a new purpose since I was ‘saved’.

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Your news is fantastic! It reaffirms to me that God is good all the time! His wonders never cease! I will never give up waiting for my AVM to “be gone”. In the mean time, my Doctor’s constantly tell me to live my life, and I am doing that to the best of my ability. You have been truly Blessed.

Sharon D…

Hi Janet,
Your news is amazing and just what I am praying for too. Have you read the book ’ the secret? ’ which is all about believing you can have a healthy body and making it happen through positive thoughts, imagining and Feeling it can happen. Apart from praying what other things did you do to believe it would go?
Thanks Gill

Yes, it was God’s miracle that saved me and I love telling the world that
miracles DO EXIST and never stop praying. Bless you!