Is it 'natural'?

I always feel my blood vessels “moving” or something. Or like it’s going to burst. And sometimes my heart aches. Like being pinched or prick by a needle. Is this ok? I mean like a ‘natural’ effect of an avm? It is located at my right foot/leg.

I have them move in my head all the time and wonder if it’s normal. I’m sure it is or something would have happened by now :grinning:

Yes maybe. my parents told me that it is normal. don’t know if it’s true or they are just taking my worries away. But maybe it is true 'cause nothing ‘bad’ follows. Thank you for your message.

Does it feel like something crawling or tingling? I have one in my head. I didn’t notice it until I started treatment 5 years ago. Feels really strange. I asked my doctors about the feeling I was having. They told me a lot of people notice it after they start treatment, but that’s just my case.

Yes! exactly, it’s like something crawling… I always feel that too. I can’t remember when did it started. But I hope it’s not alarming. Wish you well.