Hi, I'm Sanjeev

I am trying to upload my view but I am not getting the way to express my condition.Can anybody guide me plz.?

Actually I have avm in my left temporal lobe with presenting severe headache only and had don cyberknife surgery inthis June.Has anyone got only symptoms of headache.and gone through this.Actually the headche is unbearable and is persisting day and night.


Hi. I’ve moved these posts to a new topic for you. If you ever want to start a new topic / conversation, look for the + Topic button.

Welcome to the site. I can see you’ve found a number of conversations around headaches. I hope you get some answers from folk. When are you up for Cyber Knife? We have a long list of people having interventions of one kind or another this month: I’ll add you to our list.

Very best wishes,


Sure.Thanku Richard .I had my cyberknife already done in this June 02 2017.