Following up. Been a long time

Hello all! First time getting on since the site moved. Back in December, I had the 2nd part of my Cross Face Nerve Graft. I can feel it but not see it yet. Probably by June I’ll see how well it worked. I’ve been supplementing 15mg/day CBD in capsule form and am now up to 1.7mph 20 minutes on a treadmill. Recovery is slow but I am progressing again. Biggest milestone is going from grocery shopping in the motorized scooter to pushing a buggy. Medicare starts this month and I should be able to afford some rehab visits again. Everyday is a struggle. Everyday I get out of bed, I succeed.

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Welcome back to the site! I’ve gone back as far as I can to read a little bit of your story but can’t find the beginning. I can see you’re a fighter and a great contributor and supporter in the community, though!

Do you mean you’ve progressed to pushing the buggy or still aiming to get there?

Very best wishes,


Jeremy! How good to hear from you again, and even better to hear that you are making progress.

Give one of us a shout if you need help with the new platform. Once you get the hang of it, it isn’t too bad. The moderation tools are amazing!


Its great you’re back, my first communication on this site was with you after my bleed when I was able to use a computer again. I remember my words were a little mixed up and some spelling not so good as I struggled in my recovery. I felt 100% comfortable due to the response from you. You add a lot to this group! John

Jeremy, Been missing you my friend :slight_smile: , Hope you are doing well and taking it easy as you are aware rest and sleep are key to recovery also, Keep fighting and succeeding , sounds like your doing great :slight_smile: !, Speak to you soon.
