AVM Guide Question 3 - What (or where) is(was) the location of your AVM?

Mine was located inside the right frontal lobe, with remnant strands inside the basil ganglia.

The lower left occipital region removed 1998

Mine AVM is in the frontoparietal region mostly in cortex (5X5X5.5 cm)

corpus collosum, Gamma knife failed.

My AVM is on the right side of my brain

My AVM is in my right leg , toes to buttocks.
Ruptured & had a right below the knee amputation 22 years ago.

I had my spinal AVM removed from T12 thru L3

Right occipital

My AVM is in my cervical spine. Both inside and outside spinal cord

Right parietal lobe

I thought I’d push the text that we have in this question into a Word Cloud Generator… and this is what I got:

I think the size of the word is logarithmically related to the number of times used in the text. And I did as good a job as I could of capturing everyone’s text… I hope I didn’t miss any important entries.

Hope this is interesting. I used this site:



right temporal lobe 20x17mm

My AVM is in right temporal lobe.

Right Parietal lobe

Left Frontal Lobe. 2/3 cm

My AVM is located in my Cerebellum close to my neck muscles.

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My sons is located right occipital/ parietal lobe. 2.2 cm.

Mine was on the left frontal lobe.

right temporal lobe

My daughter’s avm was on the right side of the corpus callosum.