AVM Guide Question 3 - What (or where) is(was) the location of your AVM?

I have always had terrible mood swings I also have depression. About the past two years I have noticed my patience are nearly gone. I have deep lows where I cannot get out of bed, I physically hurt throughout my body. I have angry outbursts sometimes out the blue or triggered by something little. My anxiety is through the roof. I haven’t been able to go to church or enjoy activities I used to love.I think the diagnosis scared me sh*#less and I have become afraid o any and everything.I have no motivation and struggle daily to accomplish daily tasks. My poor kids tell me they miss playing with me and doing fun things, it breaks my heart I just can’t bring myself to do it or I do go have fun with them and end up in bed for days. I have always had angry outbursts but chalked it up to spinal meningitis I had as a small child. Just like I thought my depression and mood swings were hereditary. Which they could be but seeing as the frontal lobe is affected, it may be the avm. I don’t know. I am so sorry to hear you are struggling as I am with these issues, your wife is a saint as is my hubby I’m sure!! Good luck I will be praying for you :slight_smile: He will not give us more than we can handle!

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My AVM is located in my right parietal lobe. Good luck with the guide...I'm looking forward to reading it!

My AVM is located in my right calf muscle

My AVM is in my temporal/parietal region on the left side.

My AVM was located in the right frontal lobe of my brain.

My avm was located at the posterior paramedian right cerebellar hemisphere (not really sure where that is though)

Left side of forehead

My son’s AVM was at the C7T1 junction on the spinal cord

Minewas on the upper right temporal lobe..

My avm’s in the hospital bin having been taken out of my right frontal lobe.

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Mine was in my right frontal lobe.

Mine is in the right temporal lobe

Mine is in my left forearm, is also my dominate arm. Had it closed off 1 year ago and then it reopened a few months ago. Currently have sclerotherapy to try to close it off again. However, it has doubled in size in between my last 2 treatments and now has muscle involvement.

My AVM is centered in the trigone of the right lateral ventricle extending anteriorly into the right thalamus and temporal horn of the right lateral ventricle.

My AVM was located on my brain stem.

My daughter's AVM was in her left cerebellum.

My AVM was located on my left cerebellum

My AVM is located on the palm of my right hand.

My avm was situated in my spinal cord T9-T12 i had 2 resections of my spinal cord

Right frontal lobe