21 years after surviving a spinal AVM

My Dad had spinal AVM over 20 years ago and had to learn to walk again, legs were never the same, for the past year or so legs getting weaker losing muscle and says he feels weak, has appointment in January with Neuro, could it be related to past AVM or a possible new disease, I am super worried<imsrc="//cdck-file-uploads-global.s3.dualstack.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/standard10/uploads/ben_avm_community/original/2X/3/383f6b7b8080a29b3b37c92b0bdbfd9d0d3b6d2b.jpg" width=“418” height=“500”>

Being as I myself am going into the 12th year after having several emboilaztions and actual brain surgery, I believe the hard time walking is normal. You should try and work with him on more exercise in the movement of his leg’s!

I have suggested this and he is convinced it is something else because he says his arms getting weaker

Have him mention these things at his appointment.Im sure they will find some kind of resolution.